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Optoelectronic Assembly Workstations

Test and assembly, test and Inspection, or rework of fiber optics and optoelectronic devices is characterized by low first pass yields, and largely remains a manual or semi-automated process. Arlink has created a system of workstations adapted specifically for assembly of optoelectronic assemblies  which can help manufacturers improve yields when performing advanced packaging while providing ultimate flexibility to adapt those workstations to constantly evolving processes.

Based on Arlink’s award winning S8000 system, Arlink Optoelectronic Assembly Workstations achieve excellent vibration isolation at the work surface while providing users with all the advantages of Arlink’s Definite Positioning System. The systems design helps minimize vibrations from floor traffic, moving and rotating tools or motors, parts storage and tool racks, and from material handling activities.

Two fundamental system concepts allow users to select the one that meets their price/performance criteria. Workstations may be complemented with accessories to store and present specialty equipment, tools, and parts according to the specific requirements of the application.

Standard system architectures are tailored to customers’ exact according to their process needs. Proprietary processes or equipment integration issues are addressed through Arlink’s design and application support services.

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Darlas Electronic Applications SA, 5 Kimonos Str., 122 44 Egaleo-Athens-Greece
Phone: ++3010-59-86-179 • Fax: ++3010-59-11-161

Email: darlas@otenet.gr